Our Blog

7 Tips for Choosing the Right Veterinarian

By Midlands Pet Care | May 30, 2021

One of the most important things you can do for your pet’s health and wellbeing is to choose a caring and competent veterinary provider. But when you’re picking a new veterinarian, how will you know whether they are right for you and your pet? Keep these tips in mind to make sure you choose the […]

Your Pet is Making You Healthier!

By Midlands Pet Care | May 17, 2021

Did you know that there is a distinct correlation between pets and health? Experts assert that the benefits of pet ownership go far beyond companionship and purpose. Your pet is making you healthier! Here’s how: Fewer Doctor Visits Studies show that people who care for pets make fewer trips to their doctors’ offices, approximately .6 times […]

pet safety tips for summer

Keep Your Pets Safe In Summer Heat

By Midlands Pet Care | April 30, 2021

When the weather heats up, keep your pet safe.  Warmer temperatures and summertime activities may present hazards to your dog or cat that are not seen during other times of the year. Pay attention to these pet safety tips in the coming season: Keep them hydrated Provide your pet with plenty of fresh, cool water during summer […]

Is your family ready to adopt a dog?

By Midlands Pet Care | April 17, 2021

If you have been thinking about adopting a dog, know that it is a big responsibility. In fact, many say that pet adoption is one of the biggest changes and transitions that a household can make, so be sure that you are ready for the commitment. While pets can bring joy and fun to the entire […]

7 Ways To Show your Pets You Love Them

By Midlands Pet Care | March 31, 2021

Pets are four-legged family members, and most of us cannot imagine our lives without beloved pets. Here are 7 ways to show pets love and create a great bond with them: Get Moving Perhaps the best way to show a pet that you care is to exercise with them. Take a walk, take a swim, […]

Is Your Pet Acting Different?

By Midlands Pet Care | March 15, 2021

Is your pet acting differently? Observe for some signs of an underlying issue that merits prompt veterinary attention. Call your vet and seek medical attention for pets if you notice the following: Appetite Issues Noticeable changes in your pet’s appetite can be a symptom of many things and merit a call to your veterinary provider. Refusing to […]

They Just Look So Sad: Grieving Pets

By Midlands Pet Care | February 28, 2021

It is true; pets grieve the loss of both human and non-human companions. Your dog or cat may be perceptive to your mood so when you are sad, they will also demonstrate sadness. When another pet in the home dies, it can impact the social hierarchy of the pets and cause behavioral changes in the remaining […]

hamster health

Help Howie the Hamster Live Longer

By Midlands Pet Care | February 15, 2021

If you want to teach your kids about responsibility, a pet can be a viable approach. Small pets, like gerbils and mice, can be practical and inexpensive, though hamsters make especially good pets for young children. Just remember to pay attention to hamster health to ensure your pet is healthy and happy. Some ways to keep ‘Howie […]

How Can I Show My Cat “Purrson” I Love Them?

By Midlands Pet Care | February 1, 2021

If someone in your life is a cat-lover, it is easy to find a gift that is always just right for them. Clever cat gift ideas are everywhere online, from items for the owners to treats for their feline friends. Some great gifts for cats and cat lovers include these ideas: Apparel Items Give someone that loves […]